PC Repair & Support
You’ve seen the classifieds, searched the job sites and you know they’re full of jobs in the field of
Information Technology. The facts and figures of the number of open IT jobs are very encouraging. Now you’re ready
to find out how to turn your interest in computers into a lucrative IT career. You’ve come to the right place to
find out more about Information Technology jobs.
At the base of nearly all organizations is the Information Technology Department - they run the world as we know it. Industries such as Health Care, Federal Government, Retail, Manufacturing, Automotive, Insurance, and so many more all require computer support, help desk support, and computer repair technicians. These positions are only the tip of the pyramid - the entry level IT jobs. The supply of qualified computer technicians has dwindled, but the demand for them is incredibly high. While many industries are cutting expenses and downsizing, jobs in the Information Technology industry are increasing.
Click on the “More Information” buttons below to view job descriptions, education/credential requirements, and salary ranges for the PC Repair and Support area of the Information Technology industry!
Healthcare alone makes up for a vast portion of all the industries in need of filling computer jobs. It is the fastest growing industry in the US, and a major part of that rapid growth is due to the necessary IT jobs it must fill. The US government is requiring medical records be converted to a digital format. The need for computer technicians to maintain the industry’s computer networks is on the rise.
When starting your career in PC Repair and Support, there are essentially four levels of career advancement: Level 1- Help Desk Support or PC Technician. Level 2- Field Service Technician Level-3 or Computer Technician Level-3; requiring at least one to two years of experience in the Information Technology industry. Level 3- Senior Help Desk Support or Senior Field Service Technician; requiring three or more years of experience. Level 4- Help Desk Support Manager or Customer Support Manager. This is your first level of management in the Information Technology industry, requiring three or more years of experience. As you continue to advance in your technology career, the paths available to you begin to branch out and your career in IT can become limitless. (You can see the wide-range of IT job titles in our Career Growth section.)
Click on the “More Information” buttons below to view job descriptions, education/credential requirements, and salary ranges for the PC Repair and Support area of the Information Technology industry!
Most Information Technology professionals start their technology career in the PC Repair and Computer Support Services area. The starting salaries for these computer support specialists are quite appealing and often are the first reason people decide to pursue a career as an IT technician. (You will find extensive data on salaries in our Salary Stats section.)
Another reason for looking at a career in IT is job security. As other industries reduce their numbers, the Information Technology industry is expanding. A productive individual that is willing to put in the time to broaden his/her knowledge in Information Technology will be in high demand.
There is remarkable flexibility, stability, and growth when it comes to Information Technology jobs, not to mention a multitude of benefits. Your technology career can take you as far as you want to go. There is no glass ceiling and your only limits are the ones you set for yourself. Your future in IT is wide open! Your earning potential is unlimited! This site will help you answer many questions, but the next one is entirely up to you. How far do you want to go?
Click on the “More Information” buttons below to view job descriptions, education/credential requirements, and salary ranges for the PC Repair and Support area of the Information Technology industry!
Once you begin your IT career, you will find that your increased knowledge in Information Technology is priceless, highly respected, and rewarding. It will enable you to choose from an enormous amount of positions in high demand. Once you start to advance in your computer career, you may decide you want to be involved in other areas of the Information Technology industry, such as: Network Administration, Database Administration, Web Design and Development, Security, or Programming.